Remembering my grandfather who died 15 years ago today...
My good friend and my honorary Irish blood...I can't believe it's been so long already. I have now been without you for as long as you were in my life...and miss you stilll as much as the day you left. Never will I forget the trips to New England, playing UNO with Slugger, the Irish festivals, the Shasta on our trip to California, the Shamrock necklace you bought me and made me promise to wear every March 17, the book of Catholic prayers you inscribed how you wished to be there for all my graduations, NPR on in the kitchen, driving home each day from WHS, how you took care of me and Beck, the sound of your voice, the sound of your snoring, your laugh...the walk home on February 21, the black jeans and blue hoodie I wore that night at the hospital, seeing you for the last time and not saying goodbye, losing it at the funeral home, learning to drive a stick shift in your cemetery...
Fifteen years.
To Johnny Reynolds the real fiddler on the green. I love you and miss you so much, still.
Love this post. I have a pair of grandparents I was super close to. It wasn't until I grew up that I realized how wonderful they were (and how much I want to be -just- like them when I am a Nana). I wonder whether the people we love can see us from Heaven. And if they can, I hope my Nana and Papa are proud. And finding me a husband...
I choose to think that they can...and they're the ones smiling at us in the quiet spaces.
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