
3 meals and $30 later

Thanks to today's lunch with NB-C, I am yet again in post Qdoba bliss.

I love Qdoba.
I love the naked steak queso burrito.
I love Coca-Cola with my naked steak queso burrito.
I love quacamole on my naked steak queso burrito.
I love it on Friday, Sunday, and Monday.
I love it even when it makes you smell like you've been to a barbeque in February.
I love love love it.

I don't love that it's $9.30 each time.
I don't love that after this weekend I could reasonably add it to my monthly budget as it's own category.
I'm quite certain that the next time I put on my favorite pair of GAP Long & Lean's, I'm gonna be hating that wonderfullydeliciouscompletelysatisfyingnothingbetter naked steak queso burrito.


I'm totally stoked because today I recieved my copy of He's Just Not That Into You. I have been anxiously awaiting this book for the last week and a half, well ok, since Valentines Day. Being one who hates to be too quick to jump to conclusions, I guess I just needed further proof.

Just a nice bit of light reading to thoroughlly remind me that:

1) I am single.

2) I am ridiculous about giving people the benefit of the doubt.

3) I deserve nothing short of enough.

4) You have to kiss a lot of frogs. (Not entirely bad!!! Tee hee...)

5) When you are lucky enough to lose, your life becomes filled with mystery again.

I also got a copy of The Year of Yes, to remind me:

1) I am single.

2) I am happy for the first time in many years. And content (most of the time).

3) You never know who is around the corner.

4) Love is like a butterfly, the more you chase it the more it eludes you.

5) I deserve nothing short of enough.


I Did It For the Cake

11 months ago today I left my ex-husband. Time sure does fly when you've never been happier. Further proof that your sisters/best friends will be there long after the divorce is final...Givin' a shout out to Vee, Rebekah, SEDW, Julia, & NB-C all prominately displayed in the background!


I wish I would've gotten my hair cut yesterday. I tossed around the thought a couple weeks ago to let it grow out a bit and finally committed to the effort on Monday. I think a nice long (ok, shoulder length is even going to push it) bob will be a fun change of events. So I cancelled my appointment.

I missed terribly the hour recounting all the tumultuous events of the last five weeks with my Hair Chick and NB-C more than I thought I would. Now, I'm kinda in a post/what-woulda-been- my-hair-day funk. The thought of growing my beloved short hair really disturbs me. I can already see split ends from the 7 day a week fry job I do with the straightening iron. The back is unrulie. No haircut - no trip to my beloved Hair Chick - for another five weeks.



John Vincent Reynolds 1934-1991

Remembering my grandfather who died 15 years ago today...


My good friend and my honorary Irish blood...I can't believe it's been so long already. I have now been without you for as long as you were in my life...and miss you stilll as much as the day you left. Never will I forget the trips to New England, playing UNO with Slugger, the Irish festivals, the Shasta on our trip to California, the Shamrock necklace you bought me and made me promise to wear every March 17, the book of Catholic prayers you inscribed how you wished to be there for all my graduations, NPR on in the kitchen, driving home each day from WHS, how you took care of me and Beck, the sound of your voice, the sound of your snoring, your laugh...the walk home on February 21, the black jeans and blue hoodie I wore that night at the hospital, seeing you for the last time and not saying goodbye, losing it at the funeral home, learning to drive a stick shift in your cemetery...

Fifteen years.

To Johnny Reynolds the real fiddler on the green. I love you and miss you so much, still.


So my Nana sent me this email this week and I think it's been the groundwork for what has been kind of a crazy and confusing few days. I've spent the better part of the week trying to figure out what men really mean. For example, I believe they may say they are "what you see, what you get," however, I think in reality they have problems just being honest. Maybe it's just the men I get involved with...Maybe it's MSN Messenger or text messages. Maybe it's all three.

Why can't there just be a dictionary. Why are men and women so easy to figure out separately, but so hard to figure out together. Maybe that is my winning ticket--my big idea that if I could answer I would be a bizilionnaire. Still waiting for my copy of "He's Just Not That Into You" to arrive from Amazon...

This is as close as I have found, however, I might argue that it works both ways, pal:

Now here are the rules from the male side. These are the man rules! Please note.. these are all numbered "1" ON PURPOSE!

1. Men ARE not mind readers.>>

1. Learn to work the toilet seat. You're a big girl. If it's up, put it down. We need it up, you need it down. You don't hear us complaining about you leaving it down.>>

1. Sunday sports. It's like the full moon or the changing of the tides. Let it be.>>

1. Shopping is NOT a sport. And no, we are never going to think of it that way.>>

1. Crying is blackmail.>>

1. Ask for what you want. Let us be clear on this one: Subtle hints do not work! Strong hints do not work! Obvious hints do not work! Just say it!>>

1. Yes and No are perfectly Acceptable answers to almost every question.>>

1. Come to us with a problem only If you want help solving it. That's what we do. Sympathy is what your girlfriends are for.>>

1. A headache that lasts for 17 months is a problem. See a doctor.>>

1. Anything we said 6 months ago is inadmissible in an argument. In fact, all comments become null and void after 7 Days.>>

1. If you won't dress like the Victoria's Secret girls, don't expect us to act like soap opera guys.>>

1. If you think you're fat, you probably are. Don't ask us.>>

1. If something we said can be interpreted two ways and one of the ways makes you sad or angry, we meant the other one .>>

1. You can either ask us to do something. Or tell us how you want it done. Not both. If you already know best how to do it, just do it yourself.>>

1. Whenever possible , Please say whatever you have to say during commercials.>>

1. Christopher Columbus did NOT need directions and neither do we.>>

1. ALL men see in only 16 colors, like Windows default settings. Peach, for example, is a fruit, not! A color. Pumpkin is also a fruit. We have no idea what mauve is.>>

1. If it itches, it will Be scratched. We do that.>>

1. If we ask what is wrong and you say "nothing," We will act like nothing's wrong. We know you are lying, but it is just not worth the hassle.>>

1. If you ask a question you don't want an answer to, Expect an answer > you don't want to hear.>>

1. When we have to go somewhere, absolutely anything you wear Is fine...Really.>>

1. Don't ask us what we're thinking about unless you are prepared to discuss such topics as baseball, the shotgun formation, or golf.>>

1. You have enough clothes.>>

1. You have too many shoes.>>

1. I am in shape. Round IS a shape!>>

1. Thank you for reading this. Yes, I know, I have to sleep on the couch tonight; but did you know men really don't mind that? It's like camping.


A Perfect Beginning

I have to say that there is little better in this world that incredible food, cheerful conversation and my favorite red wine. When all three are intracately merged together there may be nothing better. I believe Thursday is becoming my second favorite day of the week. A nice evening out to one of my favorite restaurants with good company is quite possibly a perfect way to begin the weekend...

(Of course I did once again miss my favorite night of TV - and alas I have no Ti'Vo or DVR...bygones...)


Tips for a Successfuly Single Valentine's Day - a reminder for 2007

For all of you who wondered if I might jump off a bridge, I can profess that I am indeed, very much alive on this fine day after Valentine's Day. Here's the official single survivors guide to the dreaded V-Day 2006.

  • Start day out with positive attitude and outlook. Remind self that it is indeed just another day.
  • Wear great outfit. Look fabulous.
  • Receive email from interested party wishing me a Happy Valentines Day. Smile.
  • Have lunch with work friends at great restaurant. Have crinkly fries. Announce plans for the evening consist of frozen Lean Cuisine and exercise.
  • See that arch nemesis Mr. Potential has decided to return to the world of internet dating. What an ass.
  • Patiently IM with current "FWB" and try to decipher why he suddenly cares about his indecisiveness and Piscesness. Wait. Wait.
  • Have happiest moment of the day.
  • Receive IM from FWB stating how funny he is followed by "I'm going to the gym, you?"
  • Leave work madder than hell.
  • Complain wildly to best friends about statement.
  • Get really mad, turn red, and cuss a lot. Smoke a lot of cigarettes.
  • Take obnoxious barking dog-child on long walk and state out loud why men are bitches and why I deserve better. Reiterate over and over, outloud, frighten those driving bye.
  • Have canned Italian Wedding Soup for dinner. Open bottle of Shiraz. Sigh. Loudly.
  • Take long bath and listen to music that was made for me. Read. Smile. Relax.
  • Watch American Idol. Notice happy smiles.
  • Smoke.
  • Receive Happy Valentine's Day wish from ex-husband. Get propositioned by ex-husband. Laugh at the thought.
  • Talk to interested party. Make plans for dinner. Laugh with possibility.
  • Get into bed. Sigh. Smile.

Soul food

Decided last night while watching American Idol that the most beautiful thing in the world is seeing someone smile. There is nothing better, nothing more genuine. You've seen it... the kind that just lights up the world. It's something that leaves no doubt about that person's feeling even if for only one split second.

It is like exposing your innermost soul. Beautiful. Happy. Real.


To pass the day...

I might as well try to be positive today...I am looking a pretty fetch so why not. It's a sunny day, spring should be around the corner in the next six weeks, and I have plenty of friends and family who love me. Today, that is enough.

Today, in acceptance of this otherwise completely-ridiculous-utterly-horrific and absolutely-depressing day, I'm throwing out my two cents on what quite possibly might be the best love songs of all time...or at least in my opinion. These songs make me melt, lose all sense of reality, and make me think back to a time, a place, or a person as if it were the here and now.

10. Fade Into You - Mazzy Star

9. All I Want Is You - U2

8. Luna - Smashing Pumpkins

7. Say Goodbye - Dave Matthews (close tie with Crash)

6. In Your Eyes - Peter Gabriel

5. Always on My Mind - Willie Nelson

4. My Immortal - Evanescence

3. Lover, You Should Have Come Over - Jeff Buckley

2. Cannonball - Damien Rice

1. Slave to Love - Bryan Ferry

Now this is the time where everyone chimes in...This is the time when all you reading my blog identify yourselves and agree or disagree...what are your top 10 love songs of all time?


Eight Hours & Counting...

...To what has to be the single most depressing day of the year.

I hate Valentines Day.

I hated it before I was married, while I was married, and I hate it even more this year after being married. This year after the seven years past, should be a great Valentine's day, but do you think that it will be? No. Theoretically, there should be some man out there who wishes that he were with me on that day. But, um...no. That's even more depressing. It is a useless holiday and serves only as a thorough reminder that I am indeed, single and still very much alone. It is a stupid day to make all people feel bad about themselves, their signficiant others or their lack there of.

So I'm resolved that I will continue to remind myself that it is just another day and that it is stupid to care that much about it. I will make a promise to myself to be content with just loving ME tomorrow. I will be content to spend the time loving myself and cherishing who I am rather than with someone who doesn't deserve to be with me. I will remember how lonely Valentine's Day felt in the seven years past - how much I dreaded it each year and how much more satisfying it is just to be content with me.

The hopeless romantic in me makes me continue to hope that maybe this year my expectations might be fulfilled...Current status: Right now there is a Big Pink Valentine's Day Elephant in the room staring at me but avoiding my gaze...so if that damn elephant continues on this path rather than take me out or bring me flowers, well, then I guess that's why they made Golds Gym, Rosemont Shiraz, Marlboro Lights, and Stouffers Mac & Cheese.
Yay, Me.
(NB-C, don't even say a word...this is one day/36 hours that I can legitimately be depressed)


Fun with Celebrities Day

Ok, I've spent a bit of time looking at the photos and reading the follow up from last night's Grammy's. I have to admit, I'm a bit of a celebrity freak...I watch Extra and Access Hollywood. I am up on the latest gossip, I like to know what and who they're doing. I'm quite sure that it's my voyeuristic tendency. So today, I thought I'd make a list of the best and worst - celebrities I love and loathe. I reserve the right to add...Feel free to join in.

LOVE (in no particular order)

The men:
1) Ben Affleck. If this man ever knocks on my door, I'm gone.
2) Matthew McConaughey-hey. I don't care if he's a stoner-cowboy. That man is smokin.
3) George Clooney. Good KY boy who still has a wicked sense of humor. Wouldn't he just be fun to hang out with?
4) Joseph Fiennes. Hello Shakespeare in Love. Hello eyes. Hello British man. Raarrr!
5) Dave Matthews. Just sing to me, please.
6) Tom Hanks. HAS to be the nicest man ever.
7) Colin Farrell. H-O-T. H-O-T. H-O-T.
8) James Gandolfini. Italian. Mobster-esque. Love it.
9) Patrick Dempsy. I loved you when loving you wasn't cool.
10) David Beckham. Devastatingly handsome. British. Yum-O.

The women:
1) Julia Roberts. She just seems nice, plus I adore all of her movies.
2) Drew Barrymore. I want her to be my friend.
3) Diane Keaton. Could she be any more timeless?
4) Kelly Clarkson. She can wail and she's just so perky!
5) Kate Winslet. I love her hair, I love everything about her.
6) Gwyenth Paltrow. Timeless beauty, classic actress.
7) Sarah Jessica Parker. My Sex In The City hero.
8) Rachael Ray. Annoying EVOO comments, but how can you not like her?
9) Anne Curry. Ready for her to replace Katie.
10) Joan Cusak. Freaking funny, especially in 16 Candles....mmmm...aaaaa ya.


The men:
1) TOM CRUISE. Get over yourself. No one cares.
2) Russell Crowe. Anger Management. You're also ugly.
3) Michael Douglas. One word: creepy.
4) Kanye West. Yes, GW does hate black people, but dude, that's no way to make friends.
5) Joaquin Phoenix. Your brother was better.
6) Jim Carey. Except for ESOTSM, you are annoying and so not funny.
7) Tom Cruise.
8) Tom Cruise.
9) Tom Cruise.
10) Tom Cruise.

The women:
1) Mariah Carey. Who is Mimi and is she the one who made you fat?
2) Angelina Jolie. One word: Homewrecker.
3) Campbell Brown. Everyone knows you are mean.
4) J-Lo. Used to love you, now I hate you. You're still pretty.
5) Britney Spears. It's your husband, babe. He's bringing you down.
6) Tara Ried. You make me look sober.
7) Joan Rivers. Just annoying.
8) Katie Holmes. He's gay!!!
9) Anna Nicole Smith. You are so dumb it makes me want to vomit.
10) Meg Ryan. What happened? You used to be my favorite but now you look like the Joker. It freaks me out.


Remembering Him

Authors note: I debated whether or not to put this up on my blog because it truly reveals what a psycho I am... Ok, maybe I'm just a hopeless romantic. When I wrote the "What is Enough" post I remembered that I had written this many years back. I believe I wrote this the year after I graduated from college, inspired after reading Alice Hoffman's book, "Here on Earth." The funny thing is, I was seeing my now ex-husband at the time I wrote this. Perhaps that should have been a clue. Although I have moved forward and no longer spend time remembering my first love, I suppose it still has a familiar echo...I think it can still resonate a bit inside all of us.

If I would have known that he would be in my life for 359 days, I would have remembered everything about him.

I would have remembered the way he smiled, the color of his eyes, the sound of his laugh. I would have remembered the way he held my hand and I would have let it linger on mine longer so never to forget the imprint it made on my heart. I would have remembered how he held me close to him, how he kissed me and made the world disappear. I would have remembered how our bodies intertwined and all of the love and desire that together flowed through them. I would have remembered every flower he brought me. I would have inhaled the air and remembered the smell of the day. I would have remembered each day for all that it was. I would have stayed awhile longer in the sunlight, felt every raindrop, and admired every snowflake. If I would have known that this love was the greatest and purest of it's kind, I would have remembered what it felt like to feel the sun from both sides.

There is something to be said for your first love. It never leaves you. No matter the time that goes by nor the distance that separates you, it's always there, somewhere in your heart. No matter how tainted the relationship or the years that go by after your last encounter, you always remember him. You see him in the man you love but can't remember what it is you see. You see him every night as you drift off to sleep hoping that he'll come to you in your dreams so that you can be together again. You wonder every day where he is and if he is successful...or married. You miss his family, that family that became yours. And no matter how much time passes by, it never gets any easier. You still cry when you are in your parents house, where he is still part of your last memory of what home is. You still ache when you drive past the spot that you called "yours." And you know that you can never go back to the place where he told you it was over.

You always remember him when a familiar song is on the radio, wondering if he hears it too and thinks, just for that minute, about you. You see an old movie on television, one that the two of you saw together, and you remember everything about that evening and how good it felt to have him next to you. You remember him when you are in the car, for no reason at all, you remember him. You smell him when a man walks by and tears well up in your eyes. You think of nothing else but him every time you drive through the city you last knew him to be in. You dress a little better when you go shopping, to the movies, to dinner, or to a club in the chance that he will be there. You worry that if he is he will think you look fat. You want him to be there every time you think it's possible. Somewhere, deep down, you wish he were there.

Just that one time, just for that night.

In everything you do, you remember him. His soul is entangled with yours and it never leaves. It is almost as if your souls are still together, that there is still some part of you and still some part of him that wants to hang on...wants to go back. You never are truly able to let him go and you never really want to.

Sometimes it seems as if he still haunts you only because it is all that you remember from your last days of having the most beautiful idea of what love is and all that it could be. You know that after this love, there may be no other chance to love this way again. You find yourself looking for him in your dreams only because you want to know how he is and you want to know he's still there. You hate waking up; you resist the daylight but finally succumb and lose him again. You wonder if he dreamt of you that night, if his subconscious found yours. You wonder if for those few seconds, minutes, or hours that you were together again...if he missed you when he awoke.

And you remember and you remember until suddenly you can't remember anymore. You laugh at yourself when you think about the loss. You begin to remember all the years that have passed, without him. And you feel foolish because you are obsessed with the man whom you have spent more time remembering than you actually spent with. But no matter how far you move on, no matter how many miles you may go, you always think about your first, perfect love. Whether it was perfect or not, you never stop hoping, believing, or enduring. You begin to feel that it's not because you are in love with him anymore, but because it is just so much easier to hang on than it is to let go...

And you remember.


16lbs of LOVE

Happy 4-Month Birthday to the Chunk-a-Muffin!
Too busy to blog today, but I had to give a shout out to the cutest man in the Metro DC area...
Merriwether, your aunt Natalie sends much love and lots of kisses!!!


10 Reasons I'm Happy It's Monday

10. Went to Nordstrom's yesterday - successfully bought nothing. (Significant Accomplishment).

9. Spent time in the former hometown with family and had a rockin' good time.

8. Daniel will be four months old tomorrow.

7. It'll be spring in about 7 weeks. Thank God.

6. Have the best co-pilot & wonder dog ever.

5. Only 4 days until Friday.

4. I get to go to the gym this week and I'm euphoric about that. ROF LMAO.

3. I can laugh when I think about a man and his remote control.

2. Stayed up so late last night and drove home so early this morning that I am not sure if it really is Monday?

And the number one reason that I'm happy it's Monday:

1. Because I can be.


An Ode to Mr. Potential

Here's my Angela Basset ala Waiting to Exhale "It is trash" moment...Here's my ode to the smallest man I've ever met.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
I am tired of short men and their complexes of being with a taller woman.

Get over yourselves.

If a woman can look at you and find you attractive, smart, sexy, funny and worth her time don't you think you could just let if freaking go? Don't you think that perhaps that a woman doesn't really care if you rival her height, or that you don't for that matter? Do you think you could maybe try to get it? Try to understand that for as short as you are and as much as it bothers you, that the fantastic woman sitting across from you doesn't give a shit that you are not her equal when it comes to height.

Here's a clue:

Don't make jokes. Don't think its the first time we've ever heard them either. Don't think that if this girl had a dollar for every man who was shorter than her she wouldn't be rich. Don't contstantly ask if it bothers us that you are shorter than this fabulous chick who is with you. Don't make self-depriciating remarks about your stature. Just don't. It's annoying, it's tedious, and it makes you look like a total ass.

Just realize that it's you we like. We have our own vices, far too many of them, to worry about yours.

So here's to you, smallest of small, shortest of short Mr. Potential...Time to rid you from the noise. I hope you have fun sailing your boats and building your houses. I hope that another one of your "girls" isn't swayed into Starbucks or reminded of your last name everytime she watches UK play anytime soon. I hope you figure out that fine balance between wanting a girlfriend and being haunted by your woman-loving ex-wife. Don't worry, next time I will be sure not to confuse Potential with Promise. I used to find you charming. Now I find you pathetic. Hat's off to you, Mr. Potential. You played a good game.

By the way, I do have your number and no, no..I won't be calling.


Memoirs of a would-be-Parisian, vol. 2

Bonjour mes amies!

Well, my second day in Paris faired much better than the first. All in all, I have decided that I could, indeed, see myself living in this city. After meeting a new friend, Dominique (ok, not her real name but doesn't it sound fabulously French?!), I have found that having a translator is the way to do it. Just know someone who speaks the language, and you’ll be just fine. Dominique and I are working together on our European conference and I have decided that she is my new hero.

She is 33 and very hip (and not in the traditional brown, blah Parisian thing they’ve got going). Dominique and I went on our visit to the hotel where the conference is being held, yesterday. It is nowhere near downtown Paris. Following our 5 hour trip, we came back—the best of friends—and she offered to take me out and live the Parisian life for a night.

C’est tres bonne! We went to a bar called “Footsies” in the opera district and shared a bottle of wine. There I proceeded to find out that her boyfriend of 16 years is a paparazzi. Apparently he is very good. She also told me how she knew one day it will have to come to an end with the paparazzi boyfriend, even though she still finds him sexy. I asked why and she said, “Because you can’t be with one man for your whole life.”

I love this woman.

Following our pre-dinner drinks we went to a small cafĂ© where Dominique proceeded to convince me that our waiter was in love with me, instantly struck by me or amazed I think she said. I laughed, until he came over, moments later with the change from another table. That was funny. He was cute, but about 21 and spoke not a lick of Anglais. Best quote of the night is when my new friend said “if you lived here you would be my friend.” How appropriate! I told her that is what my friends and I always said.

That was it for my glamorous night out, however, it did leave me with that “oh I could live here” feeling. No French fries for dinner, in fact, none at all yesterday or today. But well, I haven’t had dinner yet.

Today we went to the Musee du Vin. Or Museum of Wine. Typically I would think that this place was heaven, given it’s name. However, imagine the most dark, dank, humid cave you could ever go to. That was the Musee du Vin. We went on this tour that our customers will go on and Dominique and I were scared because of these strange old people that were like replicated and hanging out in these coves. It was really strange. I think I saw something like it in Charlestown in this old dungeon I went to once. Weird. It smelled.

Following our interesting visit to the innards of Paris we walked across the Seine and saw the Eiffel Tower. My Paris visit is now complete! I’m staying tonight at the conference hotel where I’m being treated like royalty. Of course, had this hotel been in downtown, I wouldn’t have ever come home.

Random thoughts for the day: 1) Paris is great because people still smoke here. I saw three old ladies yesterday at my hotel who could barely walk, but had no problem getting up from their Heineken’s & red wine and wobbling over to a trash can to empty out the ashtray. 2) I must look really funny to French people. Everyone stared at me when I would go anyplace. Not sure if it’s the boobs, the butt or just me in general??? Perhaps the bright colored clothes that NO ONE wears. 3) When on Metro be sure to people watch. Dominique and I laughed so hard last night about a man sitting on the metro in a red velvet jacket with matching red plastic tennis shoes (or trainers as they are referred to). Be sure to laugh hysterically about that. Maybe it was just one of those things you must see in person, but it was freaking hilarious. 4) When going to lunch with French co-workers, let them order for you. We went to a Spanish restaurant and everyone ordered these great looking meals—I inadvertently ordered tapas—which came to nothing more than 4 slices of baguette with olive oil, garlic and some sliced chorizo sausage. Everyone else had like, I don’t know…a meal? 5) You think pink, red, or blue Converse tennis shoes are out of style, but no. They are the HEIGHT of Paris fashion. Don’t ask me why, but apparently they are all the rage. And what is worse is that Dominique said the trend carried over from last year??? 6) When getting cash out of ATM look out for small Romanian kids who hit you with these magazine things and even after a French person tells them “NOH!” continue to berate you and then hit the French person. Instead of getting 40 Euros, I ended up with 140 Euros and a violent Romanian girl who almost walked away with it. I’m sure my checking account will bounce.

Well, I’m back in the US of A tomorrow and I will be arriving without any shoes or good Parisian wares in my luggage. I’m hoping to hit up the duty free store tomorrow in the airport for some new perfume and maybe, in a last ditch attempt, a Parisian (or just European) man in tow.

Au revoir et a bientot,