
3 meals and $30 later

Thanks to today's lunch with NB-C, I am yet again in post Qdoba bliss.

I love Qdoba.
I love the naked steak queso burrito.
I love Coca-Cola with my naked steak queso burrito.
I love quacamole on my naked steak queso burrito.
I love it on Friday, Sunday, and Monday.
I love it even when it makes you smell like you've been to a barbeque in February.
I love love love it.

I don't love that it's $9.30 each time.
I don't love that after this weekend I could reasonably add it to my monthly budget as it's own category.
I'm quite certain that the next time I put on my favorite pair of GAP Long & Lean's, I'm gonna be hating that wonderfullydeliciouscompletelysatisfyingnothingbetter naked steak queso burrito.


Kate The Great said...

Long live the Long & Leans.

They're my absolute favorite jeans. And at around 60 bucks a pop, pretty affordable.

As for the books. Tell me about how the HJNTITY works out for you. I've heard about it but am a bit apprehensive. Just another way to remind myself I am a failure in the dating world.

The Notorious N.A.T said...


(Yet another revelation of our twinness)

I started HJNTITY last night and well, it's sort of grey. You know, I just don't think they thought of text messages or instant messaging. I mean you sure can read a lot into those activities. And, well, if he's doing those, doesn't that mean he's into you? LOL. Ok, I know. No.

It's way fun to pretend though.