
My Girl Abby

My Muse. This is my girl, Abby. She is the most wonderful creature in the world. Abby is everything that is good and right. She's soft and cuddly, loyal and loving, happy and energetic. She is in her element when being outside on a walk or chasing squirrels. She always lets you know what she needs and doesn't make you guess if she is happy or sad. All she asks for is her cheesy treat in the morning. She knows when she's done wrong. She is a telemarketer by day (earning income for her poor, Pottery Barn loving mother) and professional napper by night. In her spare time she likes to visit her grandparents in Columbus. She is the worlds greatest co-pilot, snuggle buddy, companion and best friend.


Paul said...

Animals are awesome!

Woz said...

she is absolutely adorable. those eyes. :)