
Let's give a toast...

It's already January 3rd and I have had enough time to sit around and wonder why I am filled with so much hope at the begining of each new year.

I like to think of it as a fresh start...a new beginning lined with possiblities. Each year I think that perhaps this is my year to get motivated. To be that thin person that is hiding in this body. Moreover, I think this year I'll work harder and stick to the momentum that comes out so strong in January. This year I am resolved to not make resolutions. But, I will try harder. I will keep trying to be a better person than I was yesterday. I will try to challenge myself in new ways. I will remind myself that each day is a new day. I will keep hoping. I will do a better job at work. I will do more to contribute my part. I will surround myself with good people. Friends who enrich me. Family that sustains me.

I will keep living. I will keep loving. I will laugh.

Yes, I certainly will laugh.

Here's to a New Year...Cheers!

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