
10 Reasons I'm Happy It's Monday

10. Went to Nordstrom's yesterday - successfully bought nothing. (Significant Accomplishment).

9. Spent time in the former hometown with family and had a rockin' good time.

8. Daniel will be four months old tomorrow.

7. It'll be spring in about 7 weeks. Thank God.

6. Have the best co-pilot & wonder dog ever.

5. Only 4 days until Friday.

4. I get to go to the gym this week and I'm euphoric about that. ROF LMAO.

3. I can laugh when I think about a man and his remote control.

2. Stayed up so late last night and drove home so early this morning that I am not sure if it really is Monday?

And the number one reason that I'm happy it's Monday:

1. Because I can be.


KJ said...

Very positive post today, I needed that outlook right now

NB-C said...

Hey...I know you are WAY focused today...but how about a post? I'm jonesin' for one!

Anonymous said...

...the Spring is turning your face to mine. i can hear your laughter, i can see your smile...

The Notorious N.A.T said...

NBC - Too busy to blog today...tomorrow.

Anonymous - thank you...