I haven't been very good about keeping up my blog recently, so to those who check regularly, sorry for the lack of fresh content. I don't know if it's that I don't have anything to say, that I don't know how I feel, or if it's just that I'm so darn tired these days that I can't keep up with this thing, too. Maybe it means my life is a taaaaad bit more exciting or that I'm finding more to do. Although, I'm not sure that's true either. Life is better here. Yes. But there is a trade, and some days that trade takes its toll.
I miss my job. I miss that company. I miss my friends from that company, and those other friends from the last 9 years in Lexington. But I don't miss the expansive lonlieness that that city filled me with. I don't miss the way I felt there. All. The. Time. Just kind of empty, just kind of sad.
I'm having a tough time getting used to this new job. It's not that I can't do it. It's that the people are so different, so kind of cold in some ways. They just don't feel like my old friends. And I remind myself that it's new, and it was months before the last felt comfortable...months, a year maybe before I really made my mark. Years before I would feel the ease I left with. It was a good ease. A familiar. Comfortable. Wonderful ease.
There hasn't been a day that has gone by where I have looked back, and this isn't one either. I am so happy that I am here. I am so happy that I did this, for me. And I know that this is where I was meant to be all those years ago. Here. Surrounded by this familiar, comfortable, wonderful ease...
So from where I'm standing, this is what I've observed so far:
- I wish my bank was here. I hate my new one. The online banking is a nightmare and I just wonder how long it will be before I inadvertantly bounce a check because the bill payment is effed up.
- I got a tick in my hair and flipped out on Tuesday. Or, should I say, I found a tick attached to my head and flipped out on Tuesday. Just a dog tick. I think. So now am patiently waiting to get Lyme disease. That is until Vee, in her best-pulled-out-of-her-ass accent said "Well shhhhiiiitttt Naaaaaaaat! I used to get those all the thaaaayyymmee when i was a keeeiiiiddd." We laughed so hard I forgot that I might be dying.
- I now know what it's like to go to the Rolls Royce of tanning beds. It's hella expensive, and the fans will blow you away. So far, after two visits, only my face seems to get color. I think it's a scam. But nonetheless, I'm sold.
- Meeting fabulous bloggers is fun. It's amazing how much you can have in common with people you never met, but who are shockingly not that different from you. Especially when it comes to getting into conundrums. Or however you spell it.
- When you actually have plans, you actually get asked by other people to do things.
- Hanging out on a Saturday night with your aunt and uncle in the hot tub admiring the universe is a damn good way to spend an evening.
- Is it prettier here? Cause I'm pretty sure it's flippin' gorgeous and I'm pretty sure that I love it.
- Travelling through Dulles blows. B-L-O-W-S. Hello extremely busy, completely outdated, could-it-take-any-longer-to-get-my-stuff/ass-back-to-the-main-terminal?
- And I'm not a fan of United. For the simple reason that I finally made mediallion on Delta, and now I'm a nobody on United. Case in point, a 5-hour plane ride from LA to Dulles, middle seat, wedged between two very large people, and behind a 20 year old who kept insisting his seat went back farther than the legs behind it would allow. That is until I asserted my pissiness and said "Um, just so you know, my legs can't get shoved up my ass any farther." He sat his seat up and didn't budge or dare look at me the rest of the way.
- I need to take a French class. Also, I would really like to attend this little soiree but what does one wear to such a fete? Who can I con into going with me? What is colorful cocktail attire entail? If it's not black, I don't really know what to do. Palms get sweaty. Start shaking a little. I do believe the German Embassy event would be fun as well. You know, I have goals and all.
- Target is too close for my own good. If you can walk there (and yep, I have) it probably means you should never carry your purse with you. Because, you know how the Tarjay is. You go in for one thing, come out with 15-sudden must haves.
- Two words: Trader Joe's. Three more: 3 buck chuck.
- I really need some color on my walls. Pronto. The cream is sucking the life out of me. And I'd really appreciate a decorator to come in and spruce up my tired furnishings/decor. For free.
- Large marketing teams should be more efficient then some that will not be named.
- Favorite dog owner's line: "My dog is friendly. Is yours?" Yep. She's friendly alright. That is until your larger then her dog tries to make friends and she squeals like the little bitch she is. Boy that makes me happy, every single time she does it.
- Wait a minute. You mean to tell me I walk an hour a day, on average, eat nothing/don't eat out at lunch, and I'm not losing a pound? An inch? Whhhaaaaaaattt?????
- Is it wrong the 5:00-11:00 lobby guy is kind of cute? Is it wrong that I called Nanny Jo on the beotch across the hall from me because her screaming/out of control children are asses and they need to have the smack down? Is it wrong I no longer find taking an elevator to go outside a problem? And neither does Abby?
- Fabulous hair chick: I got a new do. And I love it. But, you can/will never be relplaced by the 80-pound woman who insisted I pick out a color and cut before doing anything to it.
- Why is it that you are half a world away and the universe still sends me messages and thoughts of you? How can it be that on one plane I see the word "Antwerp" in my reading materials. It jumps out at me almost as much as a stolen glimpse, catching only the word "Montmartre" did in the newspaper of my neighbor on the plane home.
- Did I really move to a place where the closest thing to a bar I have is that in which the majority of the space is a restaurant? Really? And it's true that you can still smoke in them here? Seriously?
- I wonder what's been going on in Lexington? I wonder if those friends miss me as much as I miss them. Cause, boy do I miss them.
Who is this fabulous blogger you speak of? I must meet her.
Next week, we'll go to real bars. Promise.
I would like to put in a request for a picture of you w/your fabulous new do, for verification, THANK YOU VERY MUCH! :p
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