

Thank you, Grammy voters for giving props to the album and song, Country, Pop, or otherwise that deserved to have top honors this year.

Thank you, Grammy voters for listening to the words, to the melody behind them, and the heartfelt outpouring of the music.

Thank you, Grammy voters for standing up for what was deserved, not what was convienently and politically correct.
Thank you, Dixie Chicks for not just shutting up and singing. For having a voice. For excercising your freedom as American citizen. For pushing the boundaries. For singing loudly, and for being proud.

Thank you, for giving me an anthem over the last year. For enabling me and NB-C to sing loudly in my car, and to feel passionately about it when we do.
Every time, we do.

This chick is and always will be, proud to be called your fan.


SEDW said...

i have been meaning to buy this CD for a while, and loved their performance the other night! i have to go get it.

JAB said...

I could go along with the whole freedom of speech thing and I could go along with them saying whatever they wanted about the president.

But when they got all crazy about Toby Keith and the line about a boot in your ass I had to call it quits.

Seriously, they wrote a song about killing a man and disposing of his body...

boot in your ass
killing a man

The Notorious N.A.T said...

JAB - You must forget that they were defending themselves against Toby, after he so lovingly posted a picture of Natalie as the bride of Saddam Hussein. I don't think telling him to F off in that case was bad at all.

And the song you are referring to is not my favorite, but their last album is also where they have had the most writing freedom in their career - and that album is by far the best. They are talented far beyond measure. You should give them a shot.