
Hello My Name Is Fat Ass

(You'll never see two people happier to be back to WW in their lives. My head is apparently the size of a basketball. The other picture we took was worse. My double chin looked like it would eat you.)

Oh stop, stop…I know, thanks for saying “no you aren’t.” I appreciate it, really I do. But I am and it’s confirmed. NB-C officially rejoined the public humiliation and cattle call I like to refer to as Weight Watchers.


I think this is something like, numero quatro for me.

I think I should get a badge for every time I go back. The first time I went to WW, I think like in 2003, I was super gung-ho. I was like the diet nazi. I carried around my 32 ounce water mug and drank like 3 of them everyday. I was exceptionally hydrated. I lost 30 pounds.

So ya, I would go each week and I would actively participate in every meeting. I committed to 8 weeks but I think I made it 18. Let me tell ya, I put the commit! in committed. I’d raise my hand like that annoying kid in your high school math class that always knew the answers. I would affix my five pound star to my first five pound bookmark and proudly display it on my refrigerator so everyone could see my achievements. I loved finding 2-point foods or figuring out inventive ways to make a Skinny Cow just a little more dessert-y. If people would say “let’s go to Wendy’s for lunch” I would announce how many points my meal would have without even thinking. I was an annoying dieter. I think I even started recruiting after awhile.

For any of you who have experienced the dub-dub you know what I’m talkin’ about.

And then I lost my will and my way.

A few months later I think I tried getting back on the wagon. I went back over the next couple of years probably at least a few times, but I never seemed to get that same level of motivation or commitment I had on the first go round. I never attended the meetings. I just counted points, paid $10 a week, got weighed and left. No commitment. No desire to push on through that plateau!

I guess it’s pretty good that I’ve only gained 10 or so pounds back over three years. At least I’m not the total fat ass I was in ’03. I guess it’s just another thing to check off my list. Maybe I’m finally at a place where I need SOME form of commitment again. This time it’ll just be to the WW points and Gold’s Gym. Well hell, I’ve pretty much kicked the smoking thing (again, yes I still smoke mother when I drink it’s better than a half a pack a day, hello) and I was digging the gym a few weeks ago (pre-hormonal rage thing) and well, besides work what else do I have to do?

NB-C and I weighed in at noon and our progress shall be well documented…I would tell you my starting weight but there are somethings a girl should just keep to herself. Yes, I know you are asking yourself if this is an "she's about to turn 30 you know" crisis. Well heck yes it is! There are some things I should be in the new decade and fat is not one of them. So I’m setting a goal of a 20 pound drop prior to the big day. 30 for 30 would be better, but I will keep my expectations to "moderate" for the time being. If I lose 20, I will have to shop for new clothes and gee, I just hate that…

For those, ahem, of you out there who think I lack commitment, that I am all talk and no action. Well you’ve just never seen what this girl can do when she sets her mind to it. Stay tuned.

SO everyone raise your abnormally large and slightly embarrassing water jugs and cheer us on! NB-C and I are on a mission and we’re just the fat asses to do it...

(I mean that lovingly of course)


NB-C said...

I love it! I've never been happier being weighed by a total stranger in my life.

I really don't think WW knows what just hit 'em!

Next week...Gold's Gym!

Anonymous said...

I gonna try to find a chapter down here, this fat ass needs to lose weight as well!!

JAB said...

Good luck and may the 2 points fairies be with you both!!!!

Kate The Great said...

Good for you, sister!

I am doing my own stupid diet thing but it appears to be working...

Every little bit works...

Light beer for everyone!

Kate The Great said...

PS... can you email me your email address so I can send out an invite to you??