I keep trying to write, something. But I can't. I can't find the words. Or formulate a logical thought. I've been second guessing a lot. And crying over everything. I am so overwhelmed by emotion, both happy and sad that it just feels like everyone is talking and nothing makes sense anymore. I feel an incredible amount of loss this past week and a few days. I have lost all things familiar, all that is no longer mine.
I lost my best friend, because of words that were too easily said and not heartfelt when they counted the most. I lost the contentment I had comfortably held from a distance, the hope, the dream, no longer to be shared. Today, trusted my instinct and learned that after a year and a half the one who calls me his best friend, still holds my friendship at an awkward distance. I silently recounted an anniversary, that should have six years later meant something more. Walked away from the job that felt more like home to me than anything else in this town. Opened the door to a bright future. Threw away pictures from my wedding, honeymoon, from the first love, from the old friends whose faces I no longer knew. I threw away my wedding dress, veil, shoes, and everything else associated with it (sorry, mom). I held higher expectations than I should have.
From. Everyone. Who. Meant. Anything. To. Me.
If ever there were time for a change to happen, I am convinced that right now is that time. As scared as I am to go, I almost feel a sense of relief. It is as if I am being smothered by every mistake, every ounce of trust, every memory good and bad, day in and day out. Bittersweet, it seems I have never felt more alive and more alone than I do right now. And for the relationship side of this I have no one but myself to blame. I have trusted and believed longer and more than I should have. I have opened my heart and re-opened old wounds. I have not been a friend to the one person I never wanted to lose, hurt, or let go of. I cry all the time, as if to say to myself: Enough.
And so I wait for the days to wash over me and the solace to once again come. I dream of the day where life begins again and the hurt and the sadness goes away as quickly as it came. I forgive myself for my mistakes, and I try coming to terms with those who I must let go of, and I know that there is much ahead...and that comforts me. But I still can't help but wonder how I have landed in such a time of change or why everything that has been anything to me is coming to an end, within days of each other. I still can't help but wonder what kind of restitution I am being forced to pay or if the person I thought I was, isn't really me at all. There must be some kind of explanation. There must be some bigger reason why the one person I want to see me off on my journey won't be there to say goodbye. Some reason that the dream I used to believe in wasn't quite real enough to stay in. There must be some reason that he still can't be honest with me. There must be some validity in my decision to move forward. So much so, that it was easy for me to say "time to go." I keep waiting for the epiphany to come. I keep looking within, trying to find the answer to the question I keep asking myself: What is it about me, that makes me, so easy to let go of...
Because it seems everyone, including me...is.
There is nothing about you that is so easy to let go of. Actually, to me it seems like some people push people away that they could love so easily because it scares them.
Some people are just hurting, and don't know how to deal with it. So they push everyone away, even their friends that were like sibs to them for so long.
You are not easy to let go of, you are not easy to forget. There's just times in life that are unfortunatly painful. Horrible painful. Saying good by is hard. Seeing who really is there to say it may be differnt than you would have ever thought.
When you enter every relationship you come with your own baggage and the other person comes with their own. Sometimes it feels like its all you. But i promise it's not.
I pray that you find some peace through this transition. I pray that you see what it is that makes you the beautiful person you really are.
I pray you know that it will not be easy for your family in ohio to let you move so darn far away.
I love you natty!
What a powerful blog, Nat. It makes me think of the phoenix. In Greek mythology, the phoenix set itself on fire in old age. It burned amidst a massive blaze until there were only ashes left behind. And in those ashes, a greater, magnificent bird rose and flew off into the distance. Legend says The Phoenix does this every 500 years...
Sometimes we must make major changes and experience challenge and pain to experience a stunning rebirth.
You are on your way...
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