

1. Where was your profile pic taken? At Charlie Browns last October. Was having a good ole time with my girls Vee, Julia & NB-C.
2.What exactly are you wearing right now? A horrible ensemble of jeans, a white t-shirt, company logoed windshirt & tennis shoes. And my hair is horrible today.
3. What is your current problem? Being hungover from Saturday, still. Missing someone, a lot. Having to finish my Christmas shopping and having no clue about the last gifts to get.
4.What makes you most happy? Being with my friends, my family. Getting flowers. Snuggling with My Girl. A good song or mixed cd. Traveling.
5. What’s the name of the song that you're listening to? Say Hello, Wave Goodbye by David Gray.
6.Has anyone you've been really close with passed away? My Grandmother and My Grandpa Johnny.
7.Do you ever watch MTV? A little too often, being 30 and all.
8. What’s something that really annoys you? Driving in Lexington. Being too hot or too cold. Chewing with your mouth open. The mall at Christmas. Crowds.

Chapter 1:
1.Middle name: Anne
2.Nickname(s): Nat, Natty, Natasha, Nat X, Nisatisalisie
3.Current place? My desk.
4.Eye color: Blue

Chapter 2:
1. Do you live with your parents? Just my dog. And sometimes raccoons. Or mice.
2. Do you get along with your parent(s)?Mostly, yes.
3.Do you have any siblings?1 fabulous sister.

Chapter 3: Favorite...
1. Ice Cream: Strawberry!!!
2. Season: Fall

Chapter 4: Do You..
1. Write on your hand? Not as a standard practice.
2. Call people back: Always. Well, except yesterday. So, 99% of the time.
3. Believe in love: Depends on when you ask me.
4. Sleep on a certain side of the bed? Just right in the middle. Except when Abby sleeps in the bed with me. Then she makes me sleep on the left. LOL. I'm serious ya'll.
5. Have any bad habits? Eating. Smoking. Drinking. Falling for completely unattainable men. That's pretty much it.
6. Any mental health issues: I'm a little neurotic sometimes, but it has not been diagnosed.

Chapter 5: Have You....
1.Broken a bone? Once, my wrist.
2. Bought new stuff in the last two weeks? Bought some new lip gloss, and mascara. Woo hoo!
3. Had physical therapy? No.
4. Gotten stitches: Yes, in my thumb.
5.Taken painkillers? Love 'em! Ha.
6.Gone SCUBA diving or snorkeling: Nope.
7. Been stung by a bee? I think probably?
8. Thrown up at the dentist: Notta once. Well, as I rethink that, kinda after I had my wisdom teeth out.
9. Ever sworn in front of your parent? Frequently.
10. Had detention: Yes a couple times.
11. Been sent to the principal's office: Probably.
12. Been suspended: Yes, junior year in high school. That was bogus.

Chapter 6:Who/What was the last...
1.Movie(s) you watched? In the theater - Shut Up & Sing. On DVD - Gone with the Wind.
2. Person to text you: MLH.
3. Person you called?: NB-C.
4.Person you hugged: MLH.
5. Last person you talked to? Vee.
6. Thing you touched: My mouse.
7. Thing you ate: A mint to cure my garlic breath. It's wicked...
8. Thing you drank: Water.
9. Time you cried: Last week after dreaming about my grandmother.
10. Wished on a star: Well you know, I do have my own and all...


Kate The Great said...

I am really jealous about this star thing.


I had a vision of myself five years from now: Older. Fatter. And there were (horrors) cats in the vision. But no man.

There really must be a better way...

Anonymous said...

Tell me about this star. Who wrangled it for you?

JAB said...

I'm so glad someone else's dog is the boss of them.

Smokey gets pretty pissy if I'm in her way especially on nights Beak and I are both in bed!

That's hillarious.