
Rattle Rattle

So, yeah. I'm obsessed with the utter goodness that is "Pei Wei." For anyone sadly not familiar with this beautiful creation, it's the scaled down, sortoflike fast-food version of PF Chang's. Now we're talking $7 meal, more than suitable Friday carryout, and practically SAME EXACT recipes. I discovered it a few weeks ago after another trek on the unfulfilling mission that is my quest to find a townhouse. Realtor-friend highly recommended it and has proven to be just another downfall in the test of my will. I've eaten there twice, and tonight it shall be thrice, as I'm choraling the BF into going with me. I've thought about it at least every day, sometimes at length since, since my first encounter with it. The BF will undoubtadly not find the Kung Pao chicken as sublime as I, nor perhaps the Mongolian Beef (made spicy), or even the delicously cool lettuce wraps, spring rolls, or savory crab rangoon. But I will try to tempt his taste buds and do my best to lure another fan. I'm salivating at the thought. Oh how I can't wait for that first bite!

This is also why I'm going back to the dubdub on Monday. Because my ass is fat, and my motivation plummeting. I wish they had a t-shirt that says "WW Dropout." I could wear it proudly upon my annual, semi-annual, or bi-annual return. I've been good the last two weeks, at least Monday - Friday, and I like to think that I'm easing myself back into the counting of the points, the loathing of the tasteless Skinny Cow, and the obsession that ensues.

Swear to God. Tell me how it's possible to cure erectile dysfunction but not cure this?


NB-C said...

LMAO...if men cared about their weight as much as women do there would be a cure for our fatassness...but alaas, we are stuck with WW while men search for the cure for male pattern baldness....

Unknown said...

you two are killing me! WW should start making shirts, that might guilt us women into sticking to our diets...you think?

Rima and Kevin said...

I'm seriously considering hypnosis for my food addiction. PLUS, I am cursed with a skinny husband who, 1) forgets to eat (huh?) and 2) has chips, cookies, etc, lying around the house. I never seem to forget about those. Add to that the fact that WW gives me only 20 pts per day (so I can't even have 3 of the good lean cuisines without going over my points) and I am on the brink. My gut is here to stay.