

I have never been more proud to be an American. This moment, this wonderfully sublime and perfect moment - we have changed the course of history. We are embarking on a new journey as a people and I can't wait to be a part of it. I am so, so proud to know what we're getting ready to do. Tonight, tonight! We made a change...and I have to believe we WILL be better for it. More to come - but I couldn't be happier. I couldn't ever be more proud than this moment in time.

This one's for you, Floss...

The Day I've Been Waiting For


Taking A Stand

My mother and I have been going back and forth for what seems like ages on this election, and this is what it comes down to, 24-hours and counting before our fate is once again sealed by the American people. This is what I believe in, why I choose to vote, and, although I don't expect everyone to vote like me these are the issues that make me passionate about this election. What is important is that people don't except status quo, that everyone finds a voice, and that you let your voice be heard tomorrow.

Dearest Mother,

I can't believe I've taken the time to reply to this email, however, I will and only because it will be the end of this tete-a-tete you've wanted to engage in for the last 6 months. And also because in a little over 24-hours this will all be over, thankfully, and a new round of bashing will ineveitably ensue.

I will vote for Barack Obama tomorrow, gladly, willingly, of sound heart and mind for the following reasons:

1) I do believe the government should assist people who can't help themselves, specifically in the case healthcare. I do not want to lose the right to employer based healthcare as a caveot to a credit that is less than what my benefits are now.

2) I believe that funding should come from the government to support people who can't help themselves. I'm pretty sure Head Start is a government sponsored program and it not only paid Nana's salary, but a program that has helped (with funding from GULP! the government) to provide comprehensive education, health, nutrition, and other services to nearly 25 million low-income children and their families over the past 40+ years. But sure, let's just cut that because we're putting food on our own tables.

3) I believe that the government should help to make college or college loans available and that it should require service of the citizens in exchange for that assistance.

4) I believe that a woman should have the right to choose her life over the life of an unborn child, specifically and only in the first trimester, and only in cases of rape, incest, or in the case where it threatens the mothers health. I believe that the government should not have the authority to make the choice for the woman, ever. I believe in sex education. I also believe that if Roe V. Wade were to be overturned by the appointment of right-winged Republican supreme court judges that if elected McCain, or worse, Sarah Palin, were to make that it would become a top agenda and a solid example of "big government."

5) Even though I consider myself to be a Christian, I believe in the separation of church and state - I believe this country was formed to be a country for all people, all religions, not just Christians, not just ruled by Christians, or not just tolerated by Christian principals.

6) I believe that because of point number 4 it is not up to my country, rather up to the couple, to decide whether or not marriage is defined as man & woman, or man & man, or woman & woman. I believe that anyone who wants to be together, has that right and should be afforded the same rights as a heterosexual couple.

7) I believe in re-distribution of the wealth. Guess what? So does John McCain and so does George Bush. Case in point: Bush has given tax breaks to the wealthiest American's for 8 years so that they can re-distribute and trickle down their wealth to the rest of us low and middle class workers. Taxes are inevitable, a necessary evil. And under Obama's plan, most families WILL recieve a tax benefit nearly $700 more a year than will McCain's.

8) I do not think that one party rule is a good thing - I believe in checks & balances, and I think that one of the most concerning things is having a president and congress of the same party. However, I DO believe, that when you have some of that hope and inspiration you think Obama is only good for - you can cross party lines and unite instead of divide by working towards a common purpose. I believe that the common purpose is a better America - and I believe America is ready for that. I also believe that the bailout package and the purchasing of AIG was a huge mistake with little foresight - talk about big government? McCain wants to assume the bad housing loans...it's just more of the same.

9) I believe in the global community. I believe that we need to look outside sometimes to see how we are percieved. I think we must stop being a bully. I believe we must talk to our enemies.
10) I believe that the war in Iraq was a horrible mistake. I unequivocably support the troops that are there and that we must make sure they are taken care of (again, by the government) when they return. I believe that real problems exist in Afganhistan and that we must take actionable steps to prevent another war.

11) I don't want another President who goes off half-cocked each and every time there is a crisis. I believe that is what John McCain or, God help me, Sarah Palin would do. I do not feel like either of these people are true "leaders." I have grown tired of the incessent stupidity under the current administration and can only see the same writing on the wall under McCain and his sideshow choice of a VP.

12) I believe that people should go out and get a job instead of making me pay for their abuse of the system. But what incentive do they have now when if they abuse the system they end up walking away with money in their pocket and free medical coverage that I'm paying anyway? What incentive do people have when minimum wage is barely liveable, when healthcare is hardly attainable, and when quite a lot of the jobs that were once available have have been shipped to China, India, or Mexico?

13) I believe that you have the right to disagree with me, and that we will never see eye-to-eye on most of the things you list below. That's the beauty of being an American.That's the beauty of the 15th AND 19th amendment.

14) I believe that my beliefs come down to more than just being an "Obama chanting robot." Do I believe he will deliver everything he promises? No. Do I believe he's going to turn us into socialists or communists because he said "spread the wealth"? No. Do I believe the United States will be better off under John McCain and more of the same Bushenomics and Washington insider BS? No. Do I believe Obama has the power to inspire people? Yes. Do I believe that he is a better choice based on MY beliefs? Yes.

I practically minored in Thomas Jefferson and am quite familiar with the reasons and ways upon which this country was founded. I believe that, as Jefferson once stated, "a little revolution now and then is a good thing..." I believe that everyone has the right to challenge their government - and should. And no, Jefferson would not be a democrat, and no he didn't believe in big government. And that's okay for me, too. Jefferson also believed that you have to test the system, and that not everything written in the constitution should be upheld for 200 years...or that this country wouldn't have a radically different constitution 200 years later than it was drafted. He also didn't eliminate slavery, rather left it ambiguous, which I'm quite certain has had more of a lasting effect on this country than just about anything. He was a knowledgeable man who knew he wasn't perfect. He was also a leader, a quiet thinker, but one who people listened to--and listened to so much so that they let him draft a declaration of independence! He was someone who people trusted and who thought would leave them in a better place than they were in. He inspired conversation, and thought, and encouraged people to not always agree. And what if all people in 1776 thought he was just full of "hope and inspiration" and little substance? Where would we be? What if those people never took the leap of faith against England? Did they have hope for a better America? Were they inspired to be something more than they were???


You see, mom, just like you, I believe in possibility of a great America, in un-yielding hope to be better, and in a need for change of the establishment. Just like you, I believe that there must be a different path for this country than the one we've been on for the last 4+ years. You've stated your case and I've stated mine, you've done your research and you've made your choice. We don't have to agree on the platforms and I don't expect you to change your mind tonight. But as a child of a woman who raised you from "the system," and the mother to one daughter who would benefit from stem cell research and universal healthcare and another daughter who is likely to one day pay Obama's income taxes - and both who could potentially have to choose between their life and the life of an unborn baby, it just surprises me that as a woman you will vote for another white man who will do nothing to raise your income even though you work just as hard -- or harder -- than that of most men in your position.

I believe you have a choice tomorrow and I have mine - and while I appreciate your best efforts to convert me, I have my own beliefs which are firmly rooted in an opposing category.

That's why I look forward to casting my vote tomorrow, that's why I will be a nervous wreck until the winner is announced, and that's why I support Barack Obama.

Love you,