
Sweaty people unite!

NB-C has gotten me to go back the gym.

I told her I wouldn't go to WW with her because I had too many vices at the present to really concentrate on one. Plus, how fat can I get when I open the refridgerator and watch the tumbleweeds roll through and the crickets chirp. I am one who loathes excercise. I was a fat kid (with horribly large hair) whose meager attempt at physical activity was in the 7th grade on the JV Volleyball team. I rarely played. I did ride a bike, oh! and I swam in the summer. Besides that, nothing. Excercise was and still is a foreign concept to me. When I was 16 I got really skinny. It was strange because one day my metabolisim decided to show up. When I say "I got skinny," I don't just mean skinny, because in hindsight I pretty much looked emaciated. God those were good times. During the emaciated years I decided I'd get in shape and accomplish the one thing I was never able to do in middle school. I would run a mile without stopping. So, I did it.


And then I don't think I excercised for like 10 years.

Now, I'm 29 and can only look back on the Emaciation of Natty years with tears and fondness. Freshman 15, bah! More like Freshman 500. Not to mention the post college years when suddenly the short walks around campus were no longer there to keep it off, followed by the married years to the man who had to eat biscuits with every meal. The twenties have not been kind. Don't get me wrong, I'm still hot like wasabi and 99% of the time darn happy to look in the mirror at the face and bod that God gave me. But it sure would be nice to be svelt again.

I should clarify, I do enjoy being outside. I like climbing mountains, swimming, walking Abby in Chevy Chase, and um...well ya, that's pretty much it. Last time I looked the White Mountains (no not mine, the one's in New Hampshire) weren't exactly in my backyard. The company softball team I signed up for this year...um, ya. That's just funny. It's always a bit like pulling teeth to get my arse to the gym. I just don't get how people love to excercise. Maybe people love excercise as much as I love Wendy's french fries or Stouffer's Mac & Cheese. Hmm....

I digress.

But we've gone! Twice! And it hasn't been bad. I forgot that I actually like the feeling I have when its over. You know that floating on air because the treadmill has finally stopped but you are kind of still moving feeling. I do feel like I've accomplished something, even if it's as miniscule as getting off my couch-loving ass for an hour to do something to better myself. OH! And the best part of the new gym experience is that I can get on the treadmill and watch the Food Network. What better incentive can a fat girl have then to compromise by watching that quirky Rachael Ray while conquering the treadmill? My, my, my, it's like my own little piece of heaven after all.


NB-C said...

We are both gonna have awesome bodies by summer! Well, maybe not bikini type bodies, but at least we'll be able to walk up a flight of stairs without passing out! Next visit...Sunday...you coming?

The Notorious N.A.T said...

Ha ha...depends how I feel on Sunday. Probably, yes.